Successful IFAT China

August 2020, Today the IE expo China (IFAT China) opened its doors. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the exhibition was delayed for 5 months.

As Asia’s leading environmental show, IE expo China 2020 offers an effective business and networking platform for Chinese and international professionals in the environmental sector and is accompanied by first-class technical-scientific conference program. It is the ideal platform for professionals in the environmental industry to develop business, exchange idea and network.

IFAT China

The team of s::can China is very happy about the many visitors who already came by our booth to experience s::can’s products and solutions live on the first day. Especially the pipe::scan(Opens in a new tab or window) and the spectro::lyser V3(Opens in a new tab or window) created massive interest.

You still have a chance to come by our booth A11 in Hall E5 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) in Shanghai until Saturday, August 15. See you there!

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