s::can is now certified ISO 14001 : 2009

We are really proud to announce that we have just become a certified TÜV SÜD ISO 14001 company.

What is ISO 14001?

The ISO 14001 certification concretely demonstrates the company´s commitment to minimizing the environmental impact of processes, products and services and the reliability of the Environmental Management System applied. The standard requires that the company has written commitments by defining environmental objectives and targets and implement an Environmental Management System that allows to reach them.

What does that mean for you – our customers and partners?


At s::can we care about the environment. Our products help to rivers and other water bodies around the world. But we also try to protect the environment during our daily work. This includes for example:

We are packaging our products with recycled paper and are using recycled paper a instead of expandable polystyrene (EPS) as filling material. We separate waste at every work place and ensure correct disposal. Our employees are encouraged to use their bike or public transport for commuting. Business trips are planned in a way to minimize emissions and energy usage.

ISO 14001 : 2009 certificate

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