s::can and ATi – 2 experienced smart water brands working shoulder to shoulder for multiplied know-how under the umbrella of Badger Meter, Inc.

January 2021 | s::can’s owner company Badger Meter, Inc. (NYSE: BMI) today announced the acquisition of Analytical Technology, Inc. (“ATi”), a privately held provider of water quality monitoring systems.

With the acquisition of s::can and ATi, Badger Meter shows its clear vision to provide a fully comprehensive, robust and scalable water quality monitoring offering that delivers real-time data on demand to municipal water utilities and industrial users  – along with its vast expertise with innovative solutions in flow metering.


s::can, as the leader in detecting spectral and physical online water quality parameters, and ATi, as the leading provider of analytical sensor monitoring solutions for water and gas applications, are from now on working shoulder to shoulder. The two companies complement each other not only in their offerings, but also in the geographical regions where they are active. While ATi has a large customer base in the USA and the UK, s::can is also very active in the rest of Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Central America.

On a day-to-day basis, for s::can it is business as usual. The headquarters of s::can remains in Vienna, Austria and the sales offices spanning North and Central America, Europe and Asia will continue operating. s::can will be working with the world-class Badger Meter and ATi teams on delivering an even wider range of products and solutions to our well-established customers in the markets we serve.

In the future, this leads to expanded resources, water quality competence times two and multiplied know-how, which will bring additional value for all s::can customers around the world.

About s::can

s::can GmbH was founded as a University spin-off in 1999 and is based in Vienna, Austria. With sales offices in six countries and sales partners around the world, s::can water quality monitoring systems are available in more than 45 countries. The innovative company is serving the whole water industry, from drinking water to environmental to wastewater. Today, with over 10,000 systems sold, s::can is the global leader in online optical water monitoring systems. For more information, visit www.s-can.at

About Badger Meter

With more than a century of water technology innovation, Badger Meter is a global provider of industry leading water solutions encompassing flow measurement, quality and other system parameters.  These offerings provide our customers with the data and analytics essential to optimize their operations and contribute to the sustainable use and protection of the world’s most precious resource.  For more information, visit badgermeter.com

About Analytical Technology, Inc (ATi)

ATi is a leading provider and innovator of water quality monitoring solutions, as well as toxic and combustible gas detectors, for municipal and industrial markets. Its pioneering and industry leading range of smart water distribution monitors, process control monitors and gas detectors are trusted to deliver reliable information and provide strategic solutions for the most demanding of applications. For more information, visit www.analyticaltechnology.com

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