Tag: Chl-a
Showing all 2 results
spectro::lyser V3
High performance online water quality monitoring! s::can proudly announces the launch of the next generation of spectrometers for online water quality monitoring. As the technology leader we have performed extensive research on our customers’ needs and developed the spectro::lyser V3 based on these results. spectro::lyser™ UV-Vis monitors depending… -
spectro::lyser industrial ATEX
spectro::lyser™ industrial monitors depending on the application an individual selection of: TSS, turbidity, NO3-N, COD, BOD, TOC, DOC, UV254, NO2-N, color, O3, HS-, BTX, AOC, fingerprints and spectral alarms, temperature and pressure s::can plug & measure measuring principle: UV-Vis spectrometry over the total range (190-720 nm)…