Meet s::can at SIWW 2018

From 8-12 July 2018 the Singapore International Water Weeks takes place. SIWW is considered one of the most important global platforms to share and co-create innovative water solutions.

Take you chance to see s::can systems at our partners’ booths and to meet our owner and president Andreas Weingartner personally.


  • To see the pipe::scanour newly developed, highly innovative sensor system for monitoring drinking water quality in pipes under pressure, visit SUEZ at booth no. B2-J20. To find out more about the pipe::scan beforehand, click here.
  • Come by our local sales partner TriTech’s booth no. B2-L29 and see our micro::station for online monitoring of drinking water quality.

Meet s::can’s owner and president Andreas Weingartner:

  • On Monday, July 9, he will be a Poster Judge. Find him from 3.30pm – 5.30pm in the Foyer on Level 3.
  • On Tuesday, July 10, Andreas will speak about “Identification and Management of Industrial Wastewater Emissions by Smart Sensing and Real-time Communication” in the Technical Session on Sensors for Smart Wastewater Management. Find him from 4.00pm – 5.30pm in room Cassia 3303 on Level 3.
  • On Wednesday, July 11, he is going to present “Preventing Public Health Concerns By Using Advanced Water Quality Monitoring Sensors And Integrated Event Detection Software” in the Technical Session on Chemicals in Water from 2.00pm – 3.30pm in room Cassis JR 3311 on Level 3.

Would you like to schedule a meeting with s::can’s owner and president Andreas Weingartner? Please write an email to marketing [AT] s-can [DOT] at

We are looking forward to meeting you in Singapore


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