SWAN Conference – s::can sharing knowledge about smart water networks

May 2017 | At the 7th Annual SWAN Conference 2017 in London, England, s::can demonstrated how water quality safety can be ensured in smart water networks.

Throughout the two-day event, 220 attendees from 31 countries took the opportunity to exchange ideas about cutting-edge industry issues while focusing on creating resilient and smart water and wastewater systems. Engaging sessions and roundtable discussions covered such vital topics as: customer engagement, water quality safety, water loss resilience, innovation and investment, smart wastewater, cybersecurity, and much more.


s::can as the technology leader in on-line water quality measurement and sponsor of the SWAN Conference welcomed visitors to its stand and exhibited solutions fitting to the needs of smart water networks. As a versatile terminal for data acquisition and station control the con::cube was shown. In combination with moni::tool it is a powerful terminal for compact station control. The spectro::lyser measures the entire absorption spectrum and is used by many drinking water providers all over the world as a pivotal component in their raw water monitoring. Also the i::scan was presented – the miniature multi-parameter spectrophotometer probe which combines the high performance of a multi wavelength spectrophotometer with even lower costs than simple photometers.

On the second day of the SWAN conference Brendt Thompson, General Manager of s::can USA, gave a presentation about water quality measurement and shared his comprehensive knowledge about ensuring water quality safety. Using a real case, he showed how the city of Columbus in Ohio, USA, monitors raw surface water quality with s::can. Early warning technologies enabled Columbus to predict a nitrate event in their drinking water and allowed the city to be proactive and transparent. The SWAN Conference proved to be a valuable meeting point once again. The event enabled a rich exchange and interesting discussions about the latest trends in the water industry.

Would you like to find out more about water quality monitoring and how to keep an eye on smart water networks? Please contact our Sales Team at sales [AT] s-can [DOT] at

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