Recording of the webinar „In-depth Application Knowledge from Experts: Drinking Water“

November 2021 | In the second part of our new webinar series „In-depth Application Knowledge from Experts“, Christoph Wagner (Manager IPAM) shared his expertise about drinking water production and distribution with shown applications from well monitoring to a plant survey and distribution network monitoring.

The full recording is now available in case you missed the webinar or want to rewatch it:



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About the presenter

Christoph Wagner is a chemical engineer by training that focused on process analytics using spectroscopy during his work as a research assistant. Since a few years he is now in charge of product and innovation management at s::can.







Find out more about s::can drinking water solutions from water intake to tap here.

The next and last webinar in our series will take place in December 2021:

  • Part 3: Environmental Monitoring – December 9, 2021 | 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CEST

We will keep you updated!

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