Monitoring water quality on-line

In April the APDA (Portuguese Association of Water Supply and Drainage) organized a seminar in the city of Barreiro about the importance of technology to monitor water quality on-line. Overall 80 participants attended the event and listened carefully to the latest news from the water quality monitoring market in order to include this technology as a tool for water safety plans.


Jordi Raich, General Manager of s::can Iberia, project manager of SW4EU Project and member of ERNCIP Group (JRC) was among the presenters. Jordi contributed interesting knowledge about the importance of hardware and software of on-line monitoring stations. Using the s::can project in Tarragona as case study, he shared valuable insights. Last but not least the participation of s::can at the SW4EU project and s::can contribution to the ERNCIP Group from JRC provided even more interesting facts, which proved to be of great value for many listeners.

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