Tag: 饮用水
Real-time monitoring of the drinking water network in Beijing
To measure turbidity, color, free/total chlorine, pH, conductivity and other conventional and key indicators at the same time, the Beijing… -
与其他城市相比,维也纳政府很早就开始对当地的泉水(维也纳的主要饮用水水源来自高山泉水)进行可持续的保护工作。2001年s::can的光谱探头开始对当地水质进行监测。至今,已有70多套在线系统实时监测当地水质情况。… -
利用s::can水质在线监测技术,可以实时监测瓦伦西亚市从水源到水龙头的水质情况。EMIVASA和s::can之间多年的合作能够获得有价值的水质信息,从而改善自来水厂和自来水管网的运行。… -
从源头到自来水龙头监测比利时饮 用水水质
在比利时,pipe::scan和micro::station被用于监测自来水管网。可同时测量多达10个参数,s::can 的事件预报警系统有助于随时保护水质。… -
Online controlled in-situ disinfection of bank filtrate for drinking water supply at the Ganga River in India
A s::can chlori::lyser is monitoring the residual chlorine concentration of a completely solar driven drinking water disinfection system. The system… -
Vitens is setting up a smart water grid with s::can nano::stations
Vitens is the largest drinking water utility in the Netherlands. The company is currently installing a large-scale smart drinking water… -
在西班牙的塔拉戈纳,s::can水质监测技术用于市政管网的自来水实时在线监测。水站对UV254、浊度、色度、TOC、DOC、余氯、电导率、pH和温度这8个参数进行监测,同时还配有基于紫外可见光光谱报警技术的事件预报警软件,可以将报警实时发送给EMATSA市政自来水公司。… -
Nitrate alarm: continuous groundwater measurement with maintenance-free s::can sensor technology
Groundwater is in danger in many countries due to agricultural overfertilization and liquid manure. Water associations use s::can products to… -
s::can的全光谱在线水质分析仪spectro::lyser为美国俄亥俄州哥伦布市提供饮用水原水监测。自来水公司可以对出现的水质问题主动出击 … -
Optimizing the performance of drinking water filtration with the i::scan
In Puerto Rico the i::scan is used to asses the efficiency of different coagulants and to optimize cleaning protocols of… -
在加拿大原住民社区,s::can的事件预报警系统能远程监测60个微型供水系统的饮用水水质情况。… -
s::can 奥地利是能公司的事件预报警系统s::can 奥地利是能公司的事件预报警系统利用革命性的产品i::scan 对苏黎世城市自来水系统的饮用水进行监测…