chlori::lyser是一款革命性的传感器,可以不受pH和流速的影响监测水中的余氯或总氯含量。内部的缓冲液可以使传感器在PH4到10以上的环境下进行工作,并且它的三电极保证了读数的稳定度。 即便是在pH、温度和流速变化很大的情况下,仍保持高敏感度。
chlori::lyser 监测余氯 (Cl2 + HOCl + OCl-)或总氯(余氯和游离氯)
- s::can 即插即测
- 测量原理:安培滴定法(离子膜)
- 适用于饮用水
- 长期稳定运行,低维护成本
- 1 年只需更换一次离子膜
- 读数在 pH 值、温度和流量波动很大的情况下保持稳定
- 对 pH 值的波动进行精确补偿
- pH值在4到10之间为FCl;pH值在4-12之间为TCl
- 对众多表面活性剂的交叉灵敏度较低
- 可通过使用 spectro::lyser™ 的读数对二氧化氯和臭氧的交 叉灵敏度进行补偿;
- 工厂预校准
- 在流通槽中进行安装和测量
- 通过 s::can 终端控制器和 s::can 软件进行操作
chlori::lyser – Why do we measure?
When drinking water is disinfected through chlorination it is necessary to continuously control the actual free chlorine level. This is crucial in the first place to ensure efficient disinfection and secondly to prevent regrowth of microorganisms in the finished water. For these two tasks it is necessary to carefully process control the level of free chlorine, also in order to prevent the concentration of harmful disinfection byproducts that can be formed in the presence of chlorine.
chlori::lyser – What do we measure?
chlori::lyser monitors free chlorine – mounted in a flow cell setup. Due to the membrane covered amperometric measuring principle, flow and pH fluctuations of the water do not influence the measurement result. Additionally, the integrated temperature compensation and the special, third electrode completely eliminates potential interferences.
chlori::lyser 参考文献
Recording of the webinar “In-depth Application Knowledge from Experts: Drinking Water”
November 2021 | In the second part of our new webinar series “In-depth Application Knowledge from Experts”, Christoph Wagner (Manager IPAM)… -
Successful Aquatech Amsterdam 2021
November 2021 | Together with Badger Meter and ATi we look back to a very successful Aquatech and like to thank all… -
Join us at Aquatech Amsterdam 2021!
Aquatech Amsterdam will take place again this year and we will once again join the world’s leading trade exhibition for… -
s::can获得 ISO 14001 : 2009 环境体系认证
我们很骄傲的通知大家,s::can以通过ISO14001环境管理体系认证. 什么是 ISO 14001? ISO 14000 系列标准是由国际标准化组织制订的环境管理体系标准。是针对全球性的环境污染和生态破坏越来越严重,臭氧层破坏、全球气候变暖、生物多样性的消失等重大环境问题威胁著人类未来的生存和发展,顺应国际环境保护的发展,依据国际经济贸易发展的需要而制定的. 我们做到了什么?… -
s::can is now member of the Smart Water Networks Forum
The Smart Water Networks Forum (SWAN), is a worldwide industry forum promoting the use of data technologies in water networks,… -
Water Quality Monitoring Stations
With its monitoring stations s::can offers out of the box solutions for many different drinking water applications: From standard turbidity… -
s::can Iberia – s::can opens Subsidiary in Spain
With the new office, s::can is strengthening its presence in the home market Europe, and is in total operating 5… -
2014最佳经销商 – Aaxis Nano TechnologiesBest Sales Partner 2014 – Aaxis Nano Technologies
在此我们非常高兴的将“2014年s::can最佳经销商”授予我们的销售伙伴印度Aaxis Nano 科技公司!我们期待与Aaxis在未来共同合作为水质监测作出贡献。… -
India is monitoring industrial discharges in real time
The Indian Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has issued directions for 17 highly polluting industries such as Pulp & Paper… -
Vitens is setting up a smart water grid with s::can
Vitens is the largest drinking water utility in the Netherlands. The company is currently installing a large-scale smart drinking water… -
维也纳,2016年4月: 随着人口的增长、迁徙和工业化的加快,恒河的污染已成为印度的主要问题,也是全球环境的最大挑战。恒河是印度教中的女神,也是一条神圣的河流,每个印度人都非常关注将如何让恒河修复并持续使其有活力。治理恒河不仅是一项重大的技术挑战,更承载着重要的文化和精神寄托。… -
iWater 2016
s::can Iberia was present at iWater exhibition in Barcelona from 15th to 17th November 2016. It was the first Water… -
Platinum Partner GWU celebrates best year for s::can in Germany
In 2016 our Platinum sales partner GWU had the best year for s::can in Germany. On top of its impressive… -
Monitoring water quality on-line
In April the APDA (Portuguese Association of Water Supply and Drainage) organized a seminar in the city of Barreiro about… -
SWAN 大会– s::can分享智能水质监测网络技术
发表:2017-5-19, 一年一度的swan大会在英国伦敦举办,s::can展示了如何利用智能水质监测网络来评估水质的安全性。 为期两天的会议上,来自31个不同国家220位与会者在此聚尖端行业,共同探讨灵活且智能的地表水和污水水质监测系统。会议主题和圆桌讨论会的议题包括:客户协议、水质安全、供水管网防漏、创新和投资、智能污水处理、监测网络安全等等。… -
汇集全球令人耳目一新的水行业信息的美国自来水协会主办的年会将于6月11日至14日在美国费城举办。 主要议题是聚焦水利行业,包括:给排水系统、水利基础设施的融资和偿还能力、发展稳定的基础设置资产管理计划、解决自来水管网中漏损问题、技术与创新以及各类热点问题。… -
Come and visit s::can at ICA 2017, Québec!
From June 11 – 14, 2017 the 12th ICA takes place in Quebec in Canada. The IWA Specialized Conference on… -
A Creative Austrian
June 2017 | One of Austria’s industrial innovation heroes, Andreas Weingartner, is featured in the book “Creative Austrians – progressive… -
阿姆斯特丹水展是公认的全球饮用水、污水行业展会的权威。获取第一手行业信息,寻找适合的水质监测解决方案!… -
2017年10月 今年荷兰Aquatech水展上s::can将呈现丰富多彩活动!s::can“数据服务”被提名参加Aquatech创新奖的评选,届时将在创新实验室 (展台号:07.550)上展出;在欧洲智能水务SW4EU的“智能水管理研讨会—-揭开传感器和数据的价值”研讨会上,s::can还会参与DOC挑战赛。… -
2017年11月 在各位销售伙伴和参观者的支持下,我们参与的阿姆斯特丹水展圆满闭幕并取得巨大成功。我们在此次展会上有幸能与来自全球的水质监测专家进行交流、探讨,得到了很多对s::can创新产品的反馈。… -
moni::app –iOS 和 Android系统皆可使用
我们非常高兴的告诉大家,过去受到用户欢迎的moni::app不仅可以在安卓手机上使用了,现在苹果的iOS系统上也可以安装使用!您可以将moni::app安装在安卓或苹果手机上,通过手机就能查看您所有的s::can监测水站的实时状态!… -
过去9年,我们把为客户寄送圣诞礼物改为坚持为改善肯尼亚学校卫生环境。 我们想借此机会向大家简单介绍一下这个慈善项目以及过去一年我们所在的事情: 为NGONGOGERI小学建设卫生设施… -
诚邀您来中国环保展IFAT China参观位于E3馆3911的s::can展台
2018年4月 中国环博会IFATChina 是亚洲最大的环境行业专业展会,聚集了全球在地表水、污水、废料及原材料管理等环保领域的权威和创新企业,到访者可以在展会中寻找到所需的环境治理战略和解决方案,这些全球最新的技术和方案为智能资源再利用提供了长期的技术保障。展会将于2018年5月3到5日在中国上海举办。欢迎莅临上海国际展览中心(龙阳路)参观位于E3 馆3911站位的s::can的展台。… -
我们在此宣布s::can墨西哥分公司正式开业! 我们在普埃布拉的新办公室主要负责墨西哥的市场,同时也负责开拓拉丁美洲市场。s::can墨西哥分部是我们继美国、中国、印度、法国及西班牙之后的 第六家分支机构,另外我们在葡萄牙、意大利及德国也设有办公室,全球目前有超过40家经销商。不久,我们系统的销售量将达到10000套,我们在全球在线水质监测行业一直处于技术和市场的领先位置。… -
耐腐蚀性更强、科技含量更高的全新一代钛合金紫外可见光全光谱多参数水质分析仪spectro::lyser将彻底颠覆工业水质监测市场。… -
2018年3月 IFAT是全球知名的地表水、污水、废料及原材料管理的展会,到访者可以在展会中寻找到所需的环境治理战略和解决方案,这些全球最新的技术和方案为智能资源再利用提供了长期的技术保障。展会将于2018年5月14到18日在德国慕尼黑举办。 IFAT中国展也将于5月3-5日在上海举行,欢迎莅临上海国际展览中心(龙阳路)参观位于E3 馆3911站位的s::can的展台。… -
s::can opened its doors for the Viennese daughters’ day 2018
May 2018 | s::can strives to be a place for women to grow and thrive in tech careers. Therefore, we… -
Prelaunch of the new spectro::lyser V3
he next generation for high performance online water quality monitoring. -
s::can at the Wings For Life World Run 2018
On May, 6th, the Wings For Life World Run was held for the 5th time in Vienna. 12 s::can runners took… -
Visit s::can in Las Vegas at ACE, booth #21125!
May 2018 | ACE brings together experts from around the world to exchange ideas about water – the world’s most… -
Meet s::can at SIWW 2018
From 8-12 July 2018 the Singapore International Water Weeks takes place. SIWW is considered one of the most important global… -
2018年7月,柏林大学水利工程系的研究员卡斯腾瑞舍尔曼(Carsten Riechelmann)用自制的船从柏林出发一直航行到黑海,进行全程长约3600公里的水质监测。该研究项目是由非盈利协会发起的“希望者”项目。他将穿越欧洲中部,用s::can的水质在线监测设备来监测途径各个水体的水质情况,如多瑙河等。研究这些水体受到了多少污染,以及追溯污染来自哪里。… -
Visit s::can at WEFTEC in New Orleans from October 1 – 3, 2018!
New products – live-demonstrations – raffle! All at our booth #1407! WEFTEC is recognized as the world’s largest annual water… -
World Water Monitoring Day
Today is World Water Monitoring Day – a day to raise awareness about protecting water resources and empowering citizens to… -
The pipe::scan
Drinking water quality monitoring in the network The pipe::scan is a sensor system for monitoring drinking water quality in pipes under… -
Visit s::can at iwater in Barcelona from November 13 – 15, 2018!
Visit s::can at iwater in Barcelona from November 13 to November 15 2018 at booth #E552! The iwater or international… -
Innovative organic toilet with s::can sensors
A third of the world’s population has no access to sanitation facilities, which has a negative effect on general hygiene… -
Visit s::can at Pollutec in Lyon from November 27 to November 30 2018 at booth 5-C110!
Pollutec will be celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2018; step by step, the trade show has established itself as a true… -
Digital transformation in the water sector: Smart Water Experiences
On February 7th 2019 s::can Iberia is going to participate in the JORNADA TECNOAQUA at SMAGUA 19 in Zaragoza on: “Digital… -
Intelligent IoT enabled spectrometer probe for smart water quality monitoring
The new spectro::lyser V3 – High performance online water quality monitoring! s::can proudly announces the launch of the next generation… -
visu::tool – Free data visualisation and analysis tool
visu::tool is a data visualization software for PCs and notebooks that reads con::lyte or con::cube output files and displays them… -
SWAN Conference 2019
We are excited to sponsor the upcoming SWAN 9th Annual Conference, taking place May 15-16, 2019 at the Hyatt Regency… -
s::can at the Wings For Life World Run 2019
On May, 5th, the Wings For Life World Run was held for the 6th time in Vienna. 14 s::can runners took on… -
s::can at Pollutec 2021 in Lyon (booth B124)
Pollutec is established as the reference event for environment professionals. It is a platform for environmental and energy solutions for… -
Visit us at WETEX 2021 in Dubai!
This year’s WETEX exhibition will take place from October 5-7 as an in person event at Dubai Exhibition Centre. It is a platform to… -
Visit s::can in Denver at ACE, booth #4203!
May 2019 | ACE brings together experts from around the world to exchange ideas about water – the world’s most… -
Innovative online water quality monitoring in drinking water networks – The pipe::scan
Drinking water is a primary nutrient. Thus, not only the transport in the drinking water network, but also the excellent… -
IFAT Africa 9-11 July 2019
Our partner Action Instruments SA cc will be exhibiting s::can’s Online Water Quality instrumentation at IFAT Africa, Gallagher Convention Centre, Midrand,… -
Company trip to Lake Traunsee
On July, 3th, the s::can team spent a wonderful day on the Lake Traunsee on the occasion of the company’s… -
Visit s::can at Aquatech Mexico, booth #719!
July 2019 | Aquatech Mexico is the largest event for water technology in Mexico. It takes place from September 3… -
Visit s::can at WEFTEC in Chicago from September 23 – 25, 2019!
New products and live-demonstrations – raffle! All at our booth #4454 WEFTEC is recognized as the world’s largest annual water… -
Aquatech Amsterdam 2019: Here’s what you can expect from s::can
The Aquatech exhibition is the world’s leading trade fair for process, drinking and waste water and is taking place from November 5 –… -
s::can 成立20周年庆典
9月13日,s::can与来自世界各地的180多人一起庆祝公司成立20周年。 客户、销售伙伴、s::can团队和s::can的伙伴们济济一堂,共同度过了难忘的一天,这一天将在未来的岁月里被铭记。… -
SCOREwater – the future is eco
We are proud to announce our participation at SCOREwater (H2020 Innovation Project) that focuses on resilience against climate change and… -
UPDATE: Christmas Charity 2019
UPDATE (January 2020): The villagers installed the planned water treatment plant. Now around 3,270 people have access to clean drinking… -
Internet of Things solutions to improve drinking water quality in Mérida, Mexico
December 2019. Smart Water initiative generates operational efficiencies in administering water quality tests, more effective management of pollutants, and increased household… -
s::can to monitor Madrid’s drinking and waste water
We are proud to announce that s::can has signed a contract with Canal de Isabel II in Madrid. In January… -
How to monitor water quality from home
In times like during this covid-19 crisis, it is not always possible to be directly where your water quality monitoring… -
How to easily download and analyze your water quality data
Did you know? Downloading and analyzing your water quality data has never been easier! With visu::tool you can directly connect to… -
Recording of the webinar “Water Quality monitoring for malevolent acts and accidental contamination”
On May 29 2020 we had the pleasure to host a webinar together with Ken Thompson from Jacobs and Brendt… -
The importance of continuous online water quality monitoring in drinking water production, storage and distribution in regard to climate change
The global rise in temperature in regard to climate change affects the water supply in many different ways. In Austria,… -
Continuing access to clean water for Piduguralla, India during COVID outbreak
s::can annually contributes with a substantial donation to a better living situation for people in need. Last year s::can funded… -
Successful IFAT China
August 2020, Today the IE expo China (IFAT China) opened its doors. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the exhibition was delayed for… -
Recording of the webinar “Pretreatment Program Enhancements: Digital Solutions”
On September 17 2020 we had the pleasure to host a webinar together with John Abrera, P.E. (Brown and Caldwell), Tasha… -
s::can GmbH与Badger Meter, Inc. 完成合并,实现两大创新企业的强强联手
s::can GmbH与Badger Meter, Inc. 完成合并,实现两大创新企业的强强联手 2020年11月3日, 我们在此高兴的宣布,scan GmbH(奥地利是能公司)与Badger Meter, Inc.完成合并。 Badger Meter公司成立于1905年,公司位于美国威斯康星州密尔沃基市,是一家流量测量仪、控制器和通信解决方案创新公司,服务于世界各地的水务公司、市政、商业和工业客户。… -
New sustainable packaging
November 2020, As a global company in the field of water quality monitoring, we have been caring about sustainability since our… -
REST API – Do you know the language that IoT sensors communicate today?
December 2020 | Over the past 20 years the way that water quality sensors communicate has changed significantly. The new spectro::lyser… -
Christmas Charity 2020
December 2020, A year full of challenges and unexpected turns, but also of joy and success lies behind us. This… -
s::can and ATi – 2 experienced smart water brands working shoulder to shoulder for multiplied know-how under the umbrella of Badger Meter, Inc.
January 2021 | s::can’s owner company Badger Meter, Inc. (NYSE: BMI) today announced the acquisition of Analytical Technology, Inc. (“ATi”), a… -
3 countries, 3 pipe::scan installations: Applied smart water technology from customer perspective
February 2021, s::can is excited to invite you to following webinar: “3 countries, 3 pipe::scan installations: Applied smart water technology from… -
Recording of the webinar “3 countries, 3 pipe::scan installations: Applied smart water technology from customer perspective”
February 11 2021 | We had the pleasure to hear more about applied smart water technology using pipe::scan installations. Hosted by… -
UPDATE: Christmas Charity 2020
March 2021 | As previously announced, in our tradition of giving back to others for our Christmas charity project, we supported… -
Earth Day 2021
April 22, 2021 | Earth Day is an international annual event highlighting the value of our natural resources, raising awareness for… -
你可能听说过一种致病的军团菌,会引起致严重的肺炎,并导致死亡。建筑物内部供水系统中军团菌对公众健康的影响是一个长期存在的问题,直到今天,还没有疫苗可以预防这种疾病。… -
s::can supports Zeit!Raum
June 2021 | Recently, s::can had the opportunity to support the Viennese non-profit association Zeit!Raum with a donation of IT equipment. -
s::can at the Vienna City Marathon 2021
On September 12th, the Vienna City Marathon finally took place again for the 38th time after being postponed last year. -
美国亚利桑那州丹贝牛奶厂用s::can的spectro::lyser监测加工厂污水的COD。降低了过程损耗,减少了政府对其收取的污水处理费用。… -
s::can全光谱在线水质分析仪spectro::lyser industrial为加拿大温哥华知名的啤酒厂提供污水出口监测服务。这样就能及时掌握产品流失率、节约成本、控制规范。… -
s::can全光谱探头 spectro::lyser可全面监测啤酒厂污水处理的水质状况。… -
工业型spectro::lyser在机械清洗的出口为污水处理的自动化和监测提供了连续可靠的数据。… -
阿彭泽尔啤酒厂是瑞士的一家著名的家族式的酿酒厂,以其高品质的特色啤酒闻名于世。保护美丽的地球环境和大自然是公司一直秉持的绿色哲学。他们将污水处理视作生产工艺中重要组成部分,用s::can水质在线监测设备对其污水进行监测,优化啤酒生产工艺,从而使排放的污水达到最高的环境标准。… -
瑞士Mittelland Molkerei乳品厂的污水监测
瑞士苏尔地区的Mittelland Molkerei乳业是当地最大乳品厂,隶属于EMMI集团。EMMI集团是瑞士最大的牛奶加工公司。在EMMI工厂,他们将牛奶加工成黄油、奶油和饮用牛奶。该乳品厂在污水排入市政污水处理厂之前设有一个内部的现代化污水处理厂对其排放的污水进行处理。 … -
s::can sensors monitor Ganga river quality during world’s largest religious gathering
s::can’s stations monitor the quality of the water in the Ganges river in India. This results in a better understanding… -
spectro::lyser™ with ruck::sack as the ideal solution for Krycklan research project in Sweden
Presently there is an increasing interest in the role of flux and transformations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC)… -
钛合金材质的全新spectro::lyser TI pro可以安装在浮标上用来监测海洋环境。宁波大学海洋学院长期进行着对近岸海水的有机物污染情况的监测和研究。s::can监测系统为该项研究提供了可靠的海水水质实时数据。… -
河流大数据监测 – 恒河实时监测的数据服务DaaS
在印度恒河,36台s::can监测水站被授权将水质数据实时发送给新德里的中央污染控制平台(CPCB)。… -
欢乐养渔! 在芬兰,多参数全光谱探头spectro::lysers对水产养殖再循环系统进行水质在线监测
在劳卡(Laukaa)的芬兰自然资源研究所的养殖业循环水实验室里,奥地利是能公司s::can的在线监测系统正在对养殖水的水质进行实时在线监测。… -
墨西哥的阿托亚克河是世界上受污染最严重的河流之一,其污染主要来源于工业污染,并且该污染一直持续。因此,首要任务是要找到污染的来源,才能保护河流和周边的居民。… -
研究人员卡斯滕·里切曼(Carsten Riechelmann)乘坐他自制的双体船穿越欧洲,他在这艘双体船上安装了一套s::can水质在线监测系统,可以持续获得测量数据,绘制水质地图。所有参数的纵向连续数据被记录并实时显示在在线地图上。… -
s::can spectro::lyser能监测和控制化学试剂的药量,减少H2S的产生、提高投药的效率、保护环境并降低运行成本。… -
美国东部北卡罗来纳州梅班市如何突破氮和磷的限制,改善污水处理厂工艺。作为测试的一部分,工厂安装了s::can传感器用来测量氨氮、PH、温度及硝氮。… -
在热带气候条件优化下生物膜法 水质处理技术
埃及艾高娜一家污水厂安装了s::can水质监测系统,用来对不同的生化过程进行建模和动态仿真研究。创新的解决方案可以利用监测结果对污水厂容量的增加值进行评估。… -
科罗拉多斯普林斯市政公司有 效地控制污水处理厂曝气鼓风 机的运行
s::can的氨氮在线分析仪可监测NH4并控制曝 气鼓风机,提高工厂的能源效率,降低运营 成本。… -
尖山污水厂对该厂区改造后的四个SBR池污水进行连续在线监测,以实时获取硝氮、氨氮、ORP值,更加准确了解硝化和反硝化反应过程,实现曝气及碳源投加的精确控制… -
Water security with real-time event detection systems
August 2021 Monitoring water quality is a first important step to provide water security for any drinking water provider. An event… -
新版moni::tool V4.2 |以安全为重!
2021年七月 | 最新消息, moni::tool更新啦! moni::tool 是一款可用于管理几乎无限数量的监测站、传感器、分析仪和参数的平台。与全新的con::cube V3控制器结合,是紧凑型监测站管理的最佳解决方案。 更新后的V4.2版moni::tool系统,安全度更高!… -
2021年7月:结合最新版本spectro::lyser硬件,Io::Tool(spectro::lyser V3数据可视化和配置界面)也得到升级。更新包已发布,并可应用在在spectro::lyser V3上… -
s::can事件预警系统全天24小时对176个水源地水质进行监测。… -
s::can 奥地利是能公司的事件预报警系统s::can 奥地利是能公司的事件预报警系统利用革命性的产品i::scan 对苏黎世城市自来水系统的饮用水进行监测… -
Vitens is setting up a smart water grid with s::can nano::stations
Vitens is the largest drinking water utility in the Netherlands. The company is currently installing a large-scale smart drinking water… -
在西班牙的塔拉戈纳,s::can水质监测技术用于市政管网的自来水实时在线监测。水站对UV254、浊度、色度、TOC、DOC、余氯、电导率、pH和温度这8个参数进行监测,同时还配有基于紫外可见光光谱报警技术的事件预报警软件,可以将报警实时发送给EMATSA市政自来水公司。… -
s::can的全光谱在线水质分析仪spectro::lyser为美国俄亥俄州哥伦布市提供饮用水原水监测。自来水公司可以对出现的水质问题主动出击 … -
Optimizing the performance of drinking water filtration with the i::scan
In Puerto Rico the i::scan is used to asses the efficiency of different coagulants and to optimize cleaning protocols of… -
在加拿大原住民社区,s::can的事件预报警系统能远程监测60个微型供水系统的饮用水水质情况。… -
Nitrate alarm: continuous groundwater measurement with maintenance-free s::can sensor technology
Groundwater is in danger in many countries due to agricultural overfertilization and liquid manure. Water associations use s::can products to… -
Online controlled in-situ disinfection of bank filtrate for drinking water supply at the Ganga River in India
A s::can chlori::lyser is monitoring the residual chlorine concentration of a completely solar driven drinking water disinfection system. The system… -
从源头到自来水龙头监测比利时饮 用水水质
在比利时,pipe::scan和micro::station被用于监测自来水管网。可同时测量多达10个参数,s::can 的事件预报警系统有助于随时保护水质。… -
利用s::can水质在线监测技术,可以实时监测瓦伦西亚市从水源到水龙头的水质情况。EMIVASA和s::can之间多年的合作能够获得有价值的水质信息,从而改善自来水厂和自来水管网的运行。… -
与其他城市相比,维也纳政府很早就开始对当地的泉水(维也纳的主要饮用水水源来自高山泉水)进行可持续的保护工作。2001年s::can的光谱探头开始对当地水质进行监测。至今,已有70多套在线系统实时监测当地水质情况。… -
Real-time monitoring of the drinking water network in Beijing
To measure turbidity, color, free/total chlorine, pH, conductivity and other conventional and key indicators at the same time, the Beijing…
配件 - 安装
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con::cube V3
con::cube – 这是一款紧凑型多功能控制终端,用于数据采集和站点控制。最新的处理器技术和灵活多变的选项以及能适合SCADA或任何中央数据库系统,因此加装了操作软件moni::tool的控制终端con::cube成为一款功能强大的站点控制终端。 可拓展接口连接各种探头、分析仪和其他模拟或数字输入输出结果,从而实现对数据监控、过程和数据管理的全面统筹。同时由于该设备的耗电量极低,可以利用太阳能板供电实现远程操控。 全新一代的s::can控制终端 高性能、节能的工控机配有最新的英特尔Atom技术和 4 GB内存 technology 宽屏彩色显示器(7“)并带有触摸屏功能 就像使用手机一样,高度直观、可触;功能图案可在不 同位置进行拖曳 标准情况下,可连接和显示4个s::can传感器;可以选择 连接无数个传感器。支持两个额外清洗设备 了解更多关于 con::cube V3… -
控制终端con::lyte可通过背景LED灯显示所有现场连接的s::can探头和传感器的读数。7个按钮可以用来确认运行情况,通过软件更改设置。操作界面非常简单,方便设置和操作。 s::can 控制终端 最多可操作3个s::can探头或传感器,可以通过C-41-hub进行拓展 可显示2个 (eco)或 6个 (pro) 参数 可对s::can所有的监测系统(如:nano::station)进行设置及校准 符合人体工程学的用户界面 4-20 mA模拟输出与SCADA接口,可选modbus RTU 或 profibus DP 数字输入输出,模拟输入 控制清洗阀 日志访问 可选: 集成数据存储器 可选: PID控制 认证:CE、UL、CSA、RCM 了解更多关于 con::lyte… -
nano::station – 紧凑、精确、高性价比! 全模块化的超微型水站nano::station将 s::can设备以非常紧凑和灵活的方式集 成在一起。它为客户提供了一整套的解 决方案,无需其他费用,只需要通水和 通电(“即插即测”)就可以得到前所 未有的实时信息和参数. 超微型水站nano::station使水质在线监 测更新换代:解决了某些对价格非常敏 感的应用,特别是在“智能管网”上的 应用,无论是在无人值守的水厂,甚至 是单个楼宇的水质保护监测. 在工厂就会将所需的设备 –i::scan、s::can探头和控制器 –以 及测量槽、安装配件和管道安装固定在 一个紧凑的面板上. 加入愿望清单…